It Says...I Say...And So
It Says...I Say...And So is a reading strategy that requires students to consider questions linked to text material, find information that relates to a question, interpret the text using inferential skills, and combine information from the text and their own thinking to derive an answer. The strategy help students understand that in order to create meaning they should combine their own ideas and thoughts with evidence and details found within a reading selection.
1. Modeling the process is critical to using it successfully with students.
2. Apply to content reading after modeling.
3. Choose short, familiar texts to model (e.g., fairy tales, folklore, legends).
4. Make copies of the It Says Strategy chart.
· Consider making a poster-sized copy for display in the room.
Classroom Management
1. After modeling the strategy, apply it to a relevant piece of content area text.<?xml:namespace prefix =" o" ns =" "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"" />
2. Provide students with a copy of the It Says Strategy chart.
3. Brainstorm possible questions based on the topic to be read.
· In the beginning, you may provide the questions.
· Sometimes questions found at the end of textbook reading selections are appropriate.
· As students move toward more independence, they should be able to create their own questions.
4. Consider allowing students to work in groups as they learn the strategy.