Early Childhood Learning Tools

Our early childhood resource library hosts over 100 resources for early childhood teachers. Resources include, but aren’t limited to, small group lesson plans, interactive read aloud guides, classroom management tools, social-emotional learning resources, and professional growth resources for educators.
Model Lesson Videos
Our model lesson videos feature three Nashville-area teachers in a variety of authentic classroom settings. The videos are designed for educators to explore 3 topics: writing opportunities in a pre-K classroom, mathematics opportunities in a pre-K classroom, and child-led inquiry through an emergent curriculum in a pre-K classroom. Each video has an accompanying facilitation guide for educators to use in leading group discussions.
Online Learning Module
Our FREE online learning module, Fostering Language Development in a Pre-K Classroom, encourages early-childhood educators to consider the impact that daily conversation with young children has on literacy development. The module is designed for educators to work through independently or alongside a professional learning community as a literacy study. Upon completion of the module, educators receive a certificate of completion that can provide evidence of 6 hours of literacy professional learning.