Distributing and Factoring Using Area
In this lesson, expressions representing area of a rectangle are used to enhance understanding of the distributive property. The concept of area of a rectangle can provide a visual tool for students to factor monomials from expressions.
Students often struggle with the distributive property when they are first introduced to the rule. The idea of multiplying everything by the common factor is often a battle that teachers have with low-achieving or young algebra-learners. By introducing area to students as a way to represent multiplication of terms, students have exposure to another tool for understanding and remembering why the distributive property is so.
Students often struggle with the distributive property when they are first introduced to the rule. The idea of multiplying everything by the common factor is often a battle that teachers have with low-achieving or young algebra-learners. By introducing area to students as a way to represent multiplication of terms, students have exposure to another tool for understanding and remembering why the distributive property is so.
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