2nd Grade Task: Mural Paper

2nd Grade Task: Mural Paper

Standards & Objectives

Essential and guiding questions: 
  • Can you write the problem as a subtraction problem? 
  • Can you explain how to start with 65 and count backwards to find the answer? 
  • What would we count backwards to?
  • Can you write the problem as an addition problem? 
  • How much paper would Mrs. Johnston have started with if she had ended with 80 feet?
  • Can you write the problem as an addition problem? 
  • How much paper would Mrs. Johnston have started with if she had ended with 80 feet? 
  • What does the 85 stand for in the problem? 
  • Should the length you end up with be larger than the length Mrs. Johnston ended with? 
  • If 65 feet is the length you end with, is the beginning length shorter or longer than 65? 
  • If the beginning length is shorter than 65 feet, what can you do with the 20 feet and the 65 feet to get a length shorter than 65 feet?

Activity/Task Variations

Blooms taxonomy level: 
Differentiation suggestions: 

If students can't get started. . . 

  • What is the question asking us to do?
  • Who can give me an idea of how to start our model?
  • What is the goal of our problem?
  • Can we organize the details to help us draw a picture?


Extension suggestions: 

If students finish early. . .

  • Tell me what you found.
  • What problems did you have during your work?
  • What if Mrs. Johnston had 73 feet of paper instead of 65 feet?
  • How will that change the problem?
  • What if Mrs. Johnston started with 34 feet of paper, how much more would she need to have 65 feet total?