Geometric Solids and Their Properties: Getting to Know Solids

This is Lesson 1 of a 5 lesson series that helps to introduce 3-D geometric shapes. It is an interactive program to help students identify characteristics and properties of these shapes. The students will use technology to help develop an understanding to produce accurate models, and use spatial reasoning to problem solve.


Standards & Objectives

Learning objectives: 

Students will:

  • Analyze characteristics and properties of three dimensional geometric shapes.
  • Name each of the faces of common geometric solids.
Essential and guiding questions: 
  • How are the shapes alike?
  • How are the shapes different?
  • Find two shapes that are alike. Tell a friend about the two shapes.
  • Find  two different shapes. Explain how they are different.

Lesson Variations

Blooms taxonomy level: 

Helpful Hints


  • Geometric Solids Tool 
  • Various physical models of the geometric solids (optional)

