I Wonder: Exploring Research With Primary Students
If you have ever had your class interrupted by a thunderstorm or by a bug crawling across the carpet, you know that students naturally question the world around them. This eight-lesson unit encourages second-grade students to ask questions about a specific topic, choose a particular question to explore in detail, and research the question using a variety of resources. Students organize their information on a "What we think we know," "What we have confirmed we know," and "New facts we have learned through research" (TCF) chart. They then collaborate to write a class scientific explanation. This resource can be used with various topics easily. Therefore, once students have been through the whole unit and become familiar with each session, it could be repeated using different topics. The consistency of using the familiar research process would allow student to develop their research skills. It could easily be scaled back for 1st grade or Kindergarten students by including more teacher guidance in each lesson. This unit allows students to explore each step of the research process, refine questions, locate important details in text, and how to write facts in their own words. Consequently, it would allow a teacher to spend time with students practicing the skills related to research, and then demonstrate how to report findings. It could also be a way to differentiate for students the learning expectations involved in research...meaning that each session (lesson) could be used with groups of students who need remediation, or compacting to grow the research knowledge.