Pets:Oh Behave

Students will need a computer to read articles on learned and innate behaviors of common household pets. After reading the articles, students will be divided into 4 groups. They will explore one of four pet behavior types by reading a question and answer section from animal experts and complete a downloadable student sheet. The assessment is to compare human behavior to that of a pet. This website analyzes the behavior of common pets.

Standards & Objectives

Learning objectives: 

To develop an understanding of how innate and learned behaviors and the environment determine behavior.

Lesson Variations

Blooms taxonomy level: 
Extension suggestions: 

The following Science Updates can be used to further explore the topics related to the science of innate and learned behavior:

  • In the Cat's Meow lesson, students will learn about the history of cats and how they use meowing and purring to communicate.
  • In the Orangutan U lesson, the focus is on how primates communicate with humans.

Helpful Hints

Pet Photos – it might be useful to have students bring in pictures of their pets to discuss their behavior

