Developing Searching, Skimming, and Scanning Skills With Internet Bingo
This is an interactive lesson incorporating strategies for digital media literacy. It involves teacher modeling, partner work, and use of technology in the classroom. *This lesson requires access to computers and the internet. Because the Internet contains a vast amount of resources and information, students must be able to weed quickly through sites to find the information they need. This lesson develops students' skills in Internet searching, skimming, and scanning through teacher modeling, think-alouds, and think-pair-share. In this lesson, students begin with a discussion and demonstration of skimming and scanning to find information on the Internet. Through a teacher-modeled activity, students learn how to use appropriate key terms to yield a manageable number of resources. Students then divide into groups of two to complete a bingo game, and during the course of the game, students will search a website to fill in a bingo board. *A sample bingo board focusing on ancient Greece and Rome is included, but additional content area-related goals may be incorporated by changing the questions on the bingo board to match a particular topic.