What's the Point?

This is one lesson within a larger Unit Plan that covers all the properties of triangles and several other theorems.  Lesson 1 is “What’s the Point?”  which reviews the undefined terms point, line, and plane, and develops the meanings of segments, rays, midpoints, parallel lines, congruent segments, bisector of a segment, perpendicular lines, collinear points, noncollinear points, coplanar points, noncoplanar points, skew lines, and parallel planes by looking at examples and counterexamples of the terms.  The larger unit plan, with a nice unit project, can be found hereUses cooperative learning groups, to develop definitions of basic geometry terms by comparing examples and counterexamples

Lesson Variations

Blooms taxonomy level: 

Helpful Hints


  • Sticky notes
  • markers
  • poster paper
  • activities
  • journals

