Factor Finders

In this lesson, students first create factor posters for a variety of different numbers that will be displayed in the classroom to be utilized as a resource throughout the school year. They make discoveries about factors using color tiles, represent their discoveries using graph paper, and display their information on poster board as factors of an assigned number. This source addresses the factor finding process which leads to the discovery of prime and composite numbers. The multiplication models this lesson uses can be used for discussions about area. Options for assessment are also included with the lesson.

Standards & Objectives

Learning objectives: 

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Identify the factors of a given number using color tiles, graph paper, and a factor rainbow.

Essential and guiding questions: 

Questions for Students:

  • What do you notice about the posters that have the number two listed as a factor?
  • What would a factor poster of the number three look like?
  • What is a number called when the only factors of that number are one and itself?
  • When is it useful to know what the factors of a number are?

Lesson Variations

Blooms taxonomy level: 
Extension suggestions: 


  • As an extension to this lesson the students can compare posters in order to find the greatest common factors and the least common factors of the numbers on the posters they are comparing.
  • Students can play the Factor Game on the computer or tablet.

Helpful Hints


  • Plastic color tiles
  • Graph paper
  • Crayons
  • Poster board
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Computers or tablets with internet connection (optional; for extension)

