Ashley King

NMS; Franklin County
Items from this eduTOOLBOX contributor:
 Item titleGrade rangeContent area
Area of Parallelograms andTrapezoids Demonstration  Grades 5 - 7Multiple1
Creating and Solving a Basic Equation for Two Numbers  Grades 3 - 8Mathematics1
Decimal Logic Game  Grades 5 - 7Mathematics1
Describe the graph  Grades 3 - 8Mathematics1
Estimating the Super Bowl  Grades 6 - 8Mathematics1
Estimating Volume and Surface Area of a Rectangular Prism  Grade 6Multiple1
Finding the Area of Irregular Figures  Grades 6 - 12Mathematics1
High or Low?  Grades 1 - 8Mathematics1
How Did You Spend Your Summer Daze?  Grades 6 - 8Mathematics1
How Much Do You Weigh On Mars?  Grades 5 - 7Mathematics1
Junior Architect  Grades 6 - 8Mathematics1
Linear Progression using a Slinky and Candy  Grades K - 8Multiple1
Measuring Shadows to Find the Height of an Object  Grades K - 7Multiple1
Multiplying Rational Numbers  Grades 6 - 7Mathematics1
Number Line Game  Grades 1 - 7Mathematics1
Order of Operations Video  Grades 4 - 7Mathematics1
Quarters in a Jar  Grades 7 - 12Mathematics1
Ratio Relationships  Grade 6Mathematics1
Solving Matrix Equations  Grades 9 - 11Mathematics1
Solving Simple Linear Equations Video  Grades 5 - 7Mathematics1
State Names Graphing Activity  Grades K - 7Multiple1
Sticks and Stones  Grades 3 - 8Mathematics1
The Cost of a Great Looking Floor  Grades 6 - 8Mathematics1
TIMSS Mathematics Assessment Items  Grades 4 - 8Multiple1
Translating Word Problems into Equations  Grades 6 - 8Mathematics1
Understanding the Language of Algebra  Grades 3 - 6Mathematics1
Using NBA Statistics for Box and Whisker Plots  Grades 6 - 8Mathematics1