MTCA: Solution-Focused Brief Counseling Workshop

Middle Tennessee Counseling Association (MTCA) in partnership with Lipscomb University's Ayers Institute for Teacher Learning & Innovation present a special workshop with author, practitioner, and professor Dr. Russell A. Sabella. Make plans to join us on Monday, February 1, 2021 for this online workshop. Registration is NOW open and is FREE for TCA / MTCA members.
About the Workshop
A "solution-focused" approach to brief counseling can guide various aspects of your work. Being solution-focused means that you will more effectively help students recognize and make use of their strengths, opportunities, and resources. This experiential workshop is designed for both beginning and experienced school counselors, psychologists, social workers, educators, and other human service professionals. Learn this innovative approach to empowering your students, parents, and other stakeholders.
This half-day online workshop will include information, video demonstration, and participant exercises to enhance solution-focused understanding and competencies. You will explore how this approach can produce positive outcomes within individual counseling, small groups, classroom lessons, parent conferences, and classroom management.